Wednesday 12 September 2018

Alan Charlton: Grey Paintings - Annely Juda (until 3 November)

Alan Charlton, Painting in Four Different Greys, 1990

From the gallery website:
The exhibition will cover nearly fifty years of Charlton’s practice.
Alan Charlton has, since the early 1970’s, painted purely grey, abstract paintings. The choice of grey paint stems from Charlton’s desire to use a “standard, industrial colour,” linking to the industrial landscape of his childhood in Sheffield, but also the emotive qualities of the colour. Grey evokes industry, modernity, melancholy, depression but equally tranquillity, calm and the absence of any colour at all. Unwavering from this rigorous format has allowed Charlton to indefatigably explore the formal qualities of the canvas and to remain free of representation, influence or interpretation.
(Read the full text and download exhibition catalogue here.)
Alan Charlton, Triangle Painting No.3, 2013
Alan Charlton, Painting in Twelve Vertical Parts, 2006
Alan Charlton, Painting in 2 Vertical Parts, 2005

Alan Charlton: Grey Paintings at Annely Juda, installation view
Alan Charlton: Grey Paintings at Annely Juda, installation view
Alan Charlton: Grey Paintings at Annely Juda, installation view

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