Thursday 17 January 2019

Andrew Bick: Concrete-Disco-Systems - Hales Gallery (18 January - 2 March 2019)

Andrew Bick, Variant t-s [detail], STORMY, 2016-2018
Andrew Bick: Concrete-Disco-Systems is at Hales Gallery, 18 January - 2 March 2019
Text extracted from Hales Gallery website (read full text here)
Concrete-Disco-Systems is a solo exhibition of recent work by Andrew Bick. His research-led practice seeks to reconsider histories of constructivism and systems art in a contemporary context.

Bick’s paintings consist of endless permutations - at the core is a grid system, that he reproduces time and time again. In 2008, Bick copied a grid structure from one of his own artworks, digitised it, and has since used this same grid as a starting point for every painting. In Bick’s view, new versions of the abstract, concrete and constructive, necessitate the repetition of banal information, leading to an unexpected conjuncture of word and image.  His work is based on the belief that disruption within a system helps us relearn the process of paying attention.

Mediated layering of geometry and gesture act as an antidote to a world of instantaneous information. It is evident that the paintings are made laboriously, testing how far he can take the medium. An amalgamation of watercolour, oil paint, marker pen and encaustic are used to carefully block off areas, building the surface and composition, contrasting with casual-seeming brushstrokes and open areas of untouched support.
Andrew Bick, Variant t-s [flat and tilted] #2 v4, 2013-2018
Andrew Bick, wall painting for Concrete-Disco-Systems at Hales Gallery - in progress
Andrew Bick, wall painting for Concrete-Disco-Systems at Hales Gallery - detail
Andrew Bick: Concrete-Disco-Systems - Hales Gallery, installation view
Andrew Bick: Concrete-Disco-Systems - Hales Gallery, installation view
The artist at work

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