Monday 29 April 2019

Michael Wolf, 1954 – 2019

Michael Wolf died 24 April 2019

From an appreciation by Sean O’Hagan:

Michael Wolf, who has died suddenly, aged 64, was perhaps best known for his 2013-14 series, Architecture of Density, in which the facades of Hong Kong’s massive tower blocks, each one housing thousands of people, appear as dramatic geometric abstractions of light and colour… Wolf identified the abiding theme of his work as life in cities and his other signature work, Tokyo Compression, captured the claustrophobic experience of the Japanese capital’s subway system during rush hour. Here the hyperdensity of the postmodern city gives way to a series of portraits of individual endurance, with each face pressed tight against the glass of an ominously overcrowded carriage, offering a Ballardian glimpse of a daily ritual that, in Wolf’s portraits, is by turns intimate and unsettling. (Read full article, here.)

Read obituaries:

Marc Feustel (The Guardian)

Tiffany May (New York Times)

Michael Wolf, Architecture of Density #39
Michael Wolf, Architecture of Density #105
Michael Wolf, Architecture of Density #45
Michael Wolf, Architecture of Density #119
Michael Wolf, Night #20
Michael Wolf, Transparent City #1

Michael Wolf, Transparent City #12
Michael Wolf, Paris Rooftops #8
Michael Wolf, Tokyo Compression #75
Michael Wolf, Tokyo Compression #5
Michael Wolf, Tokyo Compression #18

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