Sunday 10 June 2018

Bernard Frize: Blackout in the Grid - Simon Lee Gallery

Bernard Frize, Vatu, 2018
Bernard Frize: Blackout in the Grid is at Simon Lee until 30 June 2018.
From Simon Lee website:
This exhibition brings together paintings from Frize’s most recent series with works made in the decade from 1999 to 2008. As the Centre Pompidou prepares for its first major survey exhibition of the artist’s work, to be held in 2019, the juxtaposition of these works reveals both the consistency of Frize’s project, and his constant innovation.
Throughout his career, Frize has revisited and revised his own works from earlier series. The loops and switchbacks of the trajectory of his career seem to echo those interweaving marks which structure many of the paintings themselves. He has spoken of these structures as devices for the removal of compositional decisions. The paintings proceed in series; the series are determined by the rules which govern them. He continues until the variations, and the possibility to produce new results, are exhausted. Frize’s project is, simply stated, one of reducing painting to its most fundamental elements, of using structure and system to govern and regulate the compositional process and thus absolve the artist from the decision making process, so that there is nothing more to the work than its physical, even technological, method of production.
Read the full text, here.
Bernard Frize, Session, 1999
Bernard Frize, Rallonge, 2008
Bernard Frize, Levet, 2017
Bernard Frize, Rala, 2017
Bernard Frize, Wir, 2018
Bernard Frize, Blackout in the Grid, installation view, Simon Lee Gallery, 2018
Bernard Frize, Blackout in the Grid, installation view, Simon Lee Gallery, 2018
Bernard Frize: biography and CV (Simon Lee Gallery)

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