Sunday 24 June 2018

Sarah Sze: Afterimage - Victoria Miro Gallery (until 28 July 2018)

Sarah Sze, Afterimage, Yellow Blow Out (Painting in its Archive), 2018
Sarah Sze: Afterimage is at Victoria Miro Gallery, until 28 July 2018
From Victoria Miro website:
An exhibition featuring two new site-specific works: Images in Debris, an installation of images, light, sound, film, and objects, that seeks to transform the visitor's perception and experience of the first-floor gallery; and Afterimage, an environment of wall-based works in the ground-floor gallery that replicates aspects of the artist’s studio and includes elements made in situ as well as images collected, gathered and discarded in the process of making the work. In both works Sze continues her decades-long exploration of the ways in which the proliferation of images – printed in magazines and newspapers, gleaned from the Web and television, intercepted from outer space, and ultimately imprinted on our conscious and unconscious selves – fundamentally changes our relationship to physical objects, memories and time.
Sarah Sze, Afterimage, Rainbow Disturbance (Painting in its Archive), 2018
Sarah Sze, Images in Debris, 2018
Sarah Sze, Images in Debris, 2018 (detail)
Nick Compton, "American artist Sarah Sze pulls apart her creative process", Wallpaper
Sarah Sze: Afterimage [video, 3'50"]
Sarah Sze: Afterimage [Victoria Miro online catalogue]

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